Sunday 22 September 2019

DAY 1-2-3 Writing


It all started with a fish, the length of a metre, when he was just born! Slowly, he grew and grew then his mum had to let him go because of how massive he was. He drifted  along the river towards land until he couldn't fit any longer into the rocky walls, that slowly collapse. One tropical morning, he woke up underneath a vacation island in  the middle of the two sides of the cliffs. I bet that they were really moving, they probably could see ripples forming in the water below because I was shaking like a earth quake under water. Know body knows about the gigantic mystery under neath the calm water, when people come swimming they splash right into my haunted eye ball. This is my home now but at least I can go on adventures with my best friend, vac land ( sort for vacation island)


As the girl skips happily over to the swaying trees near by for a graceful picnic , she suddenly ends up teetering on a quaking bridge that leads into a never ending forest. The bridge is lit up by the sun far beyond the horizon that gently greets the nature on the hills while rising like an angel. As broken as a smashed glass, the bridge has wood poking out of its self and is about 5000 years old! Beneath this damaged bridge is a unit of tough rocks, shaped into the words "TURN BACK NOW!" But, she didn't listen to the secret message, she just carried on day dreaming into the enchanted forest. In her mind she thought that this was the only way out, there was no turning back now. 
Related image


There is an illusion like old tree that grows magical apples in an abandoned field of broken twigs. When ever you eat the apples, you  get lifted up of the ground gently, and head first into the time travelling portal full of poisoned green growing gas . Drifting forward behind the trunk of the tree, there is a mist of fog pursuing the people getting dragged into the portal. This tree was different to other trees, it contained magic leaves, gas, apples and doors to other dimensions. Gracefully, the orange star shaped leaves rattle in the howling wind followed by a massive storm. BOOM! of thunder, and a FLASH! of lighting hits the land above and it starts to deluge down with speck of hail. Slowly, the world ends, but this magical tree stays standing.
Image result for pobble magic tree

Thursday 19 September 2019

Terror on Dead Street.

As the sun goes deep down into the darkened woods on Dead Street. The wolves awaken the shadow of the ghost, that silently limps down the misty road and haunts the frightened neighbours near by.  Even the leaves of trees shatter with the extreme creeps, one second you see him, next you don't. Mysteriously, a bunch of ghosts pursue him one by one, they just start to appear out of know where! The dead man starts to make a noise that wakens dogs, then they howl as loud as a rock band inside your ears! This is a serious mission on Dead Street. 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Breaking Ice


Swiftly, in North Alaska a pack of wolfs are pushing a strange man dressed up in a brown beanie  and a fluffy coat made out of wolf fur across the iced river that is fulled with deadly living creatures inside. The sled slides gracefully across the river underneath the lite blue sky that rides across to the horizon. As he glides beyond the forest the ground beneath him starts to shatter like crazy! They quickly run to the mountains near by for safe landing. He makes it back in time to see all the sea creatures jump out and splash right back in, at lease he made it back safely.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Art attack!

This term all of the classes have been working on their collaborative piece of art work, and also all of the students have worked on their own piece. Room 24 have been learning about Pablo Picasso, we picked him because he has unique art and there is no wrong or right way to do it. On the 17th September also the schools 90th birthday,  every one went outside and sat in front of the hall for the opening of the art exhibition. Here are some photos of my favs and my art. 
MY donut from sewing, I love donuts!

My pillow sewing from Choose Tuesday

This is our classrooms collaborative piece, by the way it is a sun with birds at the bottom ( not a jellyfish)

This one because it has a lot of colours, I like peacock's, diamonds and patterns. 

(This was the only good photo of my art work)

This was really fun to do because art is my favourite subject in school and it was really fun to look at other kids work and seeing how much people buy these things!

Pobble the greatest library


Calmly,  what looked like birds, gather into a flock of books and slip into the shelves like a perfect shoe fit. The sun silently fulls the sky with a lite blend of yellow and orange on the horizon then glimmering lights start to appear beside the moon light. It shines on the city full of tall standing buildings and jazzy music turns on in the crowded streets. Meanwhile,  the little girl buries her head in her adventurous books and feels like she is dreaming when she imagines it.  She calls the book she wants and it comes drifting into her turning hands. Silently, she reads her books in her comfy dark blue chair that is brightened by a lamp that has a black body and a yellow face. At night all the books flutter to their right spots and close their wings tightly.  Then they stick their spines out and hope that someone will be curious to read their adventures they have inside them the next day.  This was no ordinary library

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Timeline of Katrina Rore

I made a timeline of Katrina Rore and putting a link to the doc.  I put all the teams that she has played in, well mostly all of them, just the famous New Zealand teams. Here is the link to my last activity and some photos of her!


Do you like the photos of this years tournament in Liverpool and the players of the Silver Ferns this year? BYE!

Monday 9 September 2019

Planning Frame- Katrina Rore

Here is my Planning frame for writing (another activity). This is the LINK to my Plan. 

 Thanks for checking out my blog and do you like the descriptive words I thought off? 

Thursday 5 September 2019

Word Art- Katrina Rore

Here is my word art that I put some colours into. I put words that you would say all the time in net ball. HERE IT IS.

Book Written by Leilani


This is my book about Katrina Rore it is just about netball and when she went to the Liverpool tournament and vs Australia in the finals. There is the link that says "MY BOOK" up there (duh...) 
That is the front cover of the book! 

Genially- Best Defender

Here is my genially of Katrina Rore, she is one of the best defenders I can think of in netball, that is why I named it "best defender". Take a look!

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Fact File- Katrina Rore

I have made a fact file of Katrina Rore. She is my last hero I am doing this term. I picked Katrina Rore because she is very inspiring, she was the captain for both Pulse and the Silver Ferns. Here are  my slides!

  Thanks for checking out my fact file blog post of Katrina Rore. Have you heard of Katrina before and who are you doing for your choice of hero? BYE!

Last activity for Richie McCaw

I did a interview with Richard Hugh McCaw, by the way did you know that that is his real name? I didn't really get to meet him but it would be really cool if I did.I did it by myself in my room.Here is the link to my interview on flipgrid!

Do you like my interview about Richie McCaw? Thanks for checking out my blog today. BYE!

Tuesday 3 September 2019 Tongan Language Week

 MY GENIALLYThis is my genially for Tonga. I did it because it is Tongan Language Week. Please enjoy!

Thank you for checking out my blog and what facts have you learned this week? BYE!

Monday 2 September 2019

Timeline for Richie McCaw

I made a timeline for Richie McCaw because I am doing him for my second hero. I did it on google drawings, I put all the dates in order and I add some pictures to jazz it up!We only put the important stuff that happened in his life, not every minute of course.   HERE IT IS!

Thanks for checking out my blog today and do you agree with  the important stuff that I put in , or do you have other ideas? BYE!