Thursday 26 March 2020

Charles Heaphy!

Yesterday I learnt about an explorer named Charles Heaphy. I had to pick an New Zealand explorer, and I chose Charles Heaphy. This is the first activities that I have done of him. Here is the genially!

Thanks for checking out my blog. What explorer are you going to learn about? BLOG YA LATER!


  1. Hi Leilani, thanks for sharing your learning with us. I must say, Charles Heaphy doesn't look too happy in this photo - perhaps it was taken after his long journey to New Zealand. I learnt a lot by reading your facts and thanks for including a link to the NZ History website - tino pai!
    I look forward to seeing more of your learning.

    1. Hi Miss Whysall, yes he doesn't look quite happy. This was the only photo I could find!Yes maybe it was taken after his long journey, or he's just always in a bad mood! Blog ya Later๐Ÿ˜

  2. Hi Leilani, I really liked the way you had presented your blog post with numbered information. I read each one in order and like Susan, learned a lot about Charles Heaphy. He was obviously a brave and successful man. Sheryl (ps this may say Brenda Williams, but it's me Sheryl who has commented on your post!)

  3. Hi Sheryl.
    Yes I was wondering why the old principal was commenting on my blog!๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you for commenting on my blog post! Who is your favorite explorer?

  4. Well, when I had to dress up for the first day of the school year (that seems like a long time ago!) I researched amazing women explorers, and found out that Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly a plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean, from America to England in 1928. That was quite a feat for a woman. So I think she is my favourite explorer. There have always been strong women leading our school and community, do you know the story of Wairaka which we are named after? She is my second favourite explorer! Sheryl


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