Sunday 3 May 2020

Pacific Drawings

Today I drew a picture of a turtle and 2 hibiscus flowers! The hibiscus flower is a native flower to Hawaii and sometimes grows in parts of the pacific islands. I think this picture just looks good black and white.

Here's my art work!

(Sorry that it's portrait)

What is your favorite sea animal? What is your favorite flower?Thanks for checking out my blog 😊 BLOG YA LATER!


  1. wow, that is fantastic!! (Floyd's mum)

    1. Hi Sarah. Thanks for commenting on my blog! It is fantastic, it took very very long! Have you ever tried drawing a turtle or hibiscus? Leilani.

  2. Hi Leilani. Wow I really like your artwork. I agree some pieces of art look really good in black and white. What did you find most challenging about drawing the flowers? You have drawn my favourite sea animal. Sea turtles (all turtles) are beautiful creatures. What is your favourite sea animal?

    1. Hi Nicole. Thanks for commenting on this blog post! I wanted to just leave it black and white or else it would be to messy and complicated.

      The thing I found most challenging with the flowers was probably the petals, because if some are to big and too little it wouldn't look nice. So I spent along time drawing them. I think I remember you saying that you swam with sea turtles somewhere. Where did you swim with them? My favorite sea animal is not really in the water, but is mostly near the water. It is an elephant seal, like the one on Happy Feet. I like how they move on their stomachs and the baby's are really cute.
      Blog Ya Later! Lani

    2. Yes elephant seals are magnificent. They do move in interesting ways, I have never really thought about it. Yes, I swam with turtles in Samoa. We almost got stuck there because our taxi driver left us there. But we managed to get another ride back. It was on the island of Sava'ai. Such a beautiful place. Did you know that they don't have much electricity on that island? Do you think it would be hard to live without electricity?

    3. Hi Nicole, stupid taxi driver!😩😔 Did you go on a boat to Sava'ai? Me and my family did that. We stayed with my dads Aunty on Apia the capital of Samoa.
      Yes I do know that there isn't that much electricity there. It would be hard living with no electricity, but it would be nice to give your eyes a break and just enjoy the out doors.

      How would you feel about having no electricity?
      BLOG YA LATER! Lani.

    4. We were staying in Apia and traveled to Sava'ai for the day. Was such a nice day out. I think I would really enjoy no electricity for a short while. But I think everyone, including myself, are use to having some electricity. Even for just cooking or as simply as reading a book.

  3. Wow great job on the pictures!
    They look really good well done!


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